Thursday, August 26, 2010


Powdered myrrh is used in the placenta encapsulation process. Myrrh is a warming herb that helps aid digestion, stimulates the appetite, and soothes the stomach of pain or spasms. "In Chinese medicine, myrrh is classified as bitter and is said to have special efficacy on the heart, liver, and spleen meridians, as well as "blood-moving" power to purge stagnant blood from the uterus." ~From Wikipedia

Myrrh is more commonly used in toothpaste and mouthwash.

Image from 

Birth Mural

I recently visited San Francisco where I went to the Mission District to check out the murals. I was pleasantly surprised to find this birth mural with a midwife helping the delivery! I guess I'm biased, but this was my favorite one.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Our business cards are ordered!!

Placenta Print

At your birth we can make some art with your placenta by pressing it onto a special paper shortly after delivery. Each print is unique and special since no two placentas are exactly alike. This pretty one reminds me of a flowery cloud.

Image © 2010 LMB All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Nettle tea is so soothing for seasonal allergies. When a jar of nettle is opened, the aroma inhaled is reminiscent of kelp. Surprisingly, after the herb is brewed, the tea tastes creamy almost like milk. Lately I've been making blends with nettle and red raspberry leaf, red clover or peppermint. It even goes well with rooibos or chai.
Nettle is also helpful for asthma, bronchitis, hair, PMS, urinary issues, arthritis, anemia and blood pressure (to name a few.)
Image from

Monday, August 16, 2010


We can encapsulate your placenta for you after your birth.
Why would you want to do this?
Humans are the only mammals that don't automatically consume their placenta after birth. When you are pregnant, your hormone levels slowly rise over time, peaking just before birth. After you deliver your placenta, your body goes into withdrawal from the sudden lack of these hormones resulting in shifts of mood. Taking placenta pills can balance out your hormones and mood, restore nutrients like iron and calcium, encourage your milk to come in and prevent fatigue and postpartum depression. Many women who consume placenta pills say that they are truly able to
"bounce back" after birthing.

We can pick up your placenta from your home after your homebirth or arrange to pick it up from the hospital.
We have a meticulous process* that we go through to properly prepare your placenta and return it to you encapsulated within 24 to 48 hours.

(*This includes blessing and expressing gratitude to the placenta.)

Sunday, August 15, 2010


MotherTree is a company that provides holistic pregnancy and birth services such as preparing herbs and teas, making tinctures, making placenta prints, placenta encapsulation and doula services for birth and postpartum. Soon we hope to dive into belly casting and making ink footprints. This blog will encompass all of the different aspects of creating these products and providing these services. Expect posts about birth experiences, aspects of a placenta, sweet babies we meet, our favorite herbs, why we chose blue dropper bottles and more. We are located on the westside of Los Angeles but our clientele are found throughout the greater Los Angeles area. Welcome and thank you for reading!